Sunday, April 25, 2010

What Was I Thinking?

Going to Istanbul at the height of recital season....what was I thinking??? Costumes to order, choreography to finish, dress rehearsals to plan...classes to cover. Oooof! Most is done and the rest will wait till I return.

Tonight I start packing. Since I plan to spend a whole day shopping in Istanbul's famed bazaar, I'm trying to leave lots of room in my suitcase for the glittery trip home. Wanting to respect Turkey's Muslim culture, I bought a long, lightweight skirt to wear when I'm out and about. Yesterday, when the sun was shining, I realized that you can see right through it! So much for modesty.

Iceland's volcanic ash didn't mess with me after all. I confirmed my flights and all is on schedule. Looking forward to the 15 hours of travel before arriving at Turkish Delight, Istanbul.